Friday 27 September 2013

RDMRose at Internet Librarian conference

At Internet Librarian International this year Andrew Cox will be looking at whether RDM is a wicked problem.

Andrew will be exploring the role of librarians in RDM further at Internet Librarian International (ILI) on 16th October in Session B202 – Roles in Research Data Management. 

You can find out more about ILI here.

Saturday 17 August 2013

RDMRose paper in ALISS quarterly

A short article by the project team introducing RDMRose is now available to subscribers of ALISS Quarterly volume 18 number 4.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

RDMRose at Umbrella

RDMRose was presented at a session at Umbrella 2013.

The presentation was on the 3rd July at 15.45 as part of the Spotlight session "Future Skills & Future Roles" in room Room 2.220.

UMBRELLA 2013 Conference and Exhibition: Bringing the information world together – Discover. Connect. Achieve.  2-3 July 2013 | University of Manchester, University Place, Oxford Road, Manchester

Presentations are available online.

Paper by Cox and Pinfield published in JOLIS

A paper reporting the November 2012 survey of UK libraries activities and plans in relation to RDM has been published in OnlineFirst for Journal of Library and Information Science.

"Research data management and libraries: Current activities and future priorities"

This paper reports research carried out at the end of 2012 to survey UK universities to understand in detail the ways in which libraries are currently involved in research data management and the extent to which the development of research data management services is a strategic priority for them. The research shows that libraries were offering limited research data management services, with highest levels of activity in large research-intensive institutions. There were major challenges associated with skills gaps, resourcing and cultural change. However, libraries are currently involved in developing new institutional research data management policies and services, and see this as an important part of their future role. Priorities such as provision of research data management advisory and training services are emerging. A systematic comparison between these results and other recent studies is made in order to create a full picture of activities and trends. An innovation hype-cycle framework is deployed to understand possible futures and Abbott’s theory of professions is used to gain an insight into how libraries are competing to extend their jurisdiction whilst at the same time working collaboratively with other stakeholders.

The paper is also available from the institutional repository, WRRO.

RDMRose at the Sconul conference fringe

The work of RDMRose was presented to delegates at the SCONUL conference "Adapt and Thrive: Regional and national innovation in response to change in higher education" in one of the "fringe" sessions.

Friday 31 May 2013

Saturday 11 May 2013

RDMRose to participate in LIRG event with UEL's TRaD

LIRG Event: Research Data Management – challenges and opportunities for libraries

The impact of “Big Data” on our working lives cannot be ignored…..

The management of research data is increasingly being recognised as a responsibility of all higher education institutions, and the evidence suggests that libraries could and in many cases already are playing a leading role in supporting RDM.

This event will discuss the wider issues of research data management for the profession, how the workforce can be developed to deal with the challenges it represents and to provide an introduction to the learning materials that are now available and how they can be reused and maintained by the community as a collective resource.

The event is being organised by LIRG, the Library and Information Research Group, and will include highlights from two JISC projects, RDMRose and TrAd. Join us at the session to find out more on this expanding area and help shape the debate.

Date: Thursday, 30th May, 2013 - 11am - 4:15pm

Venue: CILIP, 7 Ridgmount Street, London, WC1E 7AE

Times: 11.00 – 16.15

Event Presenters :

Facilitator: Ronan O’Beirne FCLIP LIRG Chair

Presenters: Gurdish Sandhu/ Stephen Grace/ John Murtagh – TRaD Project - University of East London

Presenters: Andrew Cox/ Eddy Verbaan - RDMRose Project - University of Sheffield

Cost: (including lunch and refreshments)

LIRG members £100 (inc VAT).

Non-LIRG members £120 (inc VAT).

For more information visit the LIRG website events page (

To book a place: Please follow the link to our enrolment form (